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Salt Water Anode Tester

Availability: Stock Qty: 5+
$453.75 (excluding GST)
Or, 4 easy payments of $130.45 (including GST) with Buy WE50-SALT with Afterpay.
Product Group: Anodes
Product Sub Group: Anode Testers
Product brand: PROMT Parts


WE50-Salt - Silver/Silver Chloride Reference Electrode for measuring Anodes and Cathodic Protection.

Measuring the vessel's potential voltage underwater is critical to determining if the vessel's anodes are functioning correctly and ensuring the vessel is adequately protected.

To assess the adequacy of a vessel's cathodic protection, it is imperative to measure the potential difference between the metallic surfaces and water. This involves creating connections with both the structure and the electrolyte (water). This is achieved by measuring the potential difference (voltage) in the water with a high-precision reference electrode. The reference electrode creates a connection to the electrolyte.

When conducting potential measurements on the underwater metals, the WE50 Series is connected to a high-input impedance multimeter (minimum 10 MegOhm). The electrode is then immersed in the water from the vessel's side to reach predetermined water depths. Once the electrode is at the desired depth, the potential of the metals is measured by connecting the test lead from the meter to the various underwater metals and recording the voltage displayed on the multimeter.

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Aluminium anode NZ supplier

Aluminium Anodes are for use in salt and brackish water. Performs better, protects longer than Zinc. Alloy is manufactured to meet or exceed US Military Specification (MIL-DTL-24779C(SH)).

Zinc anode NZ supplier

Zinc Anodes are for use in salt water. Not recommended for use in fresh water. Alloy is manufactured to meet or exceed US Military Specification (MIL-DTL-18001L).

Magnesium anode NZ supplier

Magnesium Anodes are ONLY for use in fresh water. Not recommended for use in salt or brackish water. The only alloy proven to protect your boat in fresh water. Alloy is manufactured to meet or exceed US Military Specification (AZ91D).

Martyr Anodes provide high-quality, low-cost marine cathodic protection for boats, motors, outboards, sterndrives and marine structures.

Promt Parts have partnered with Martyr, the only manufacturer that offers anodes in all three alloys to protect your boat from corrosion in salt water, brackish water, and freshwater.

Martyr anode NZ supplier

Often called “Boat Zincs”, Martyr Anodes are made of a specialized alloy using only high purity metals. Martyr anodes are pressure die-cast and manufactured to strict quality standards and are guaranteed to be manufactured to US Military Alloy Specifications. Martyr manufacture sacrificial zinc anodes, aluminum anodes, and magnesium anodes, all of which are proven to prevent boat corrosion. Martyr anodes protect outboard motors, sterndives, hull plates, rudders, propellers, shafts, shaft brackets, engines, and rudders.


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Salt Water Anode Tester
Salt Water Anode Tester