113-2115 Johnson Evinrude Power Pack CD3/6
Johnson / Evinrude Outboard Power Pack; 3/6 Cylinder
OMC 582115, 583125, 583143, 763796
Sierra 18-5762
Mallory 9-25008
Donovan B777650
Redline RL5762
60hp 3cyl EL/TL 1986-1988
60hp 3cyl TTL 1988
60hp 3cyl SST 1989-90
70hp 3cyl EL/TL w/o trim 1986-88
70hp 3cyl EL/TL w/trim 1986-88
75hp 3cyl EC 1987-88
For more than 30 years, CDI Electronics has provided value and lowest cost-of-ownership to the marine and motorsport industry. Our commitment is to provide superior ignition and diagnostic solutions to engine users and manufacturers throughout the world.